CTA Digital Launches Glove Accessories For Playstations Move

If you’ve seen the Playstation Move, then you might agree with me that it resembles a large, plastic blow-pop or a black, rounder version of the Wiimote. However, CTA Digital has come along to offer PS3 gamers a more realistic, boxing experience by launching the new Ultimate Boxing Gloves accessory for the Move. These special gaming gloves feature efficient, velcro pouches for keeping your Move controllers firmly in place while you’re using them in active game-play.

Of course, you can expect to see adjustable, velcro straps on this glove accessories to maintain your ability to wear them even with sweaty hands. They’re also well-padded to ensure comfort and prevent personal injury and unintentional injury to those around you. Personally, I wonder what types of future 3D games on the PS3 that these gaming gloves will be applicable for besides boxing, if any.
