Neuhaus T-02 Amplifier

For the people who want to bring out the best audio quality right for uncompressed music files, a special amplifier should do the trick. The Neuhaus T-02 Amplifier is perfect for these audio files which need all the boost they need to deliver the same sound quality as MP3 music files.

The Neuhaus T-02 Amplifier costs $800 which is a bit pricey. But don’t tell that to the audiophiles who don’t seem to mind as long as they can enhance the listening experience on uncompressed music files. This amplifier is perfect for people who want to perk up low quality music files play their PC.

The amplifier takes the old files from your PC, converts it to analog and then amplifies it using vacuum tubes. Through this process, you get warmer and richer sound playback on low end song files which can be improved.

(Source) Dvice