Sony KDL46Z5100 Television Review-A Great One From Sony

I know that I just took Sony to task a couple days ago for their less than quality KDL, but today I’m here to praise Sony for the high quality they’ve put out in the form of the Sony KDL46X5100.

The Sony KDL465100 is a forty six inch 1080p LCD television with an integrated TV guide package (not specifically released or endorsed by TV Guide, at least I don’t think there’s a connection), Bravia widgets and internet video packages, and a whole slew of ports including Get versatile HD connection options with four HDMI inputs, one HD combination input, and one PC input.

The sound and picture on this one are absolutely beautiful (frankly, “breathtaking” might be a better word for that incredible 1080p picture) and the controls are smooth and easy to operate.  Of course, this had better be a great setup for what they’re charging for it–this sucker retails for about twenty two hundred bucks, but as always, your mileage may vary.  In fact, Amazon took about a third off the price and knocked it down to seventeen hundred.

Still, if you’re not afraid of that monster price tag then you’ll do just fine with this positively amazing TV.