Netflixs Postal Bill Is HUGE-But Will It Last?

This may not be news in the generic sense, but I’m sure a lot of you will pop your eyes out of their sockets to discover what Netflix’s postal bill is…and what it will be.  Check THIS out:

In 2009, Netflix’s tab to the United States Post Office was about six hundred million dollars.  And they expect to spend about that much in 2010.  By 2011, Netflix projects they’re going to up that another hundred mil to SEVEN hundred million dollars.

Clearly, Netflix is basically one of the handful of operations keeping a badly beleaguered post office from sliding into a slow-death morass of overspending and under-recovery of revenue.  But will it last?  With Netflix’s huge ambitions to improve streaming, and get more content going over the various wires (and in some cases satellite transmissions), will the Postal Service keep realizing vast revenues from the crew with the huge number of red envelopes?

In the short term this likely won’t be a problem for the Postal Service.  But if they’re not making plans to lose that chunk of revenue in the next five to ten years, the Postal Service as we know it may be completely destroyed.