Japanese Market Shows Sale of 130,000 3D TVs in 6 Months – 4.1% of TVs Sold 37-inches and Up

There are various trends happening in just about every technology niche on the market but in the display world there is one in particular that stands out above the rest. Can’t guess what I’m talking about? Well, 3D displays, of course.

While many consumers have gotten a chance to try out 3D displays, not too many have felt the need to buy one. Couple that with the premium you’re forced to pay for a 3D TV and you can see why sales are some what slow. However, oiver in Japan things are a bit different as it seems that 3D TV sales are starting to pick up. In fact, it was just announced today that 130,000 3D TVs were sold in Japan in the last 6 months. This means that 4.1% of all televisions sold that were 37-inches and up were of the 3D type. Top television manufacturers that add to this number including Sony, Sharp, Toshiba and Panasonic.

Have any of picked up a 3D TV yet? Do you plan on ever doing so?

via 3d-display-info