Home Theater Gear Tops Christmas Shopping Lists This Year

Actually, chances are, it probably tops every OTHER holiday’s shopping list this time of year too–there’s a good chance most Chanukah shoppers will also be following these lines, along with everyone else.

First off, the bad news.  Holiday sales, by virtually every predictive measure known to mankind, are gonna SUCK.  A WorkPlace Media study says that forty three percent of respondents plan to spend less money this year.  More people will be shopping during work breaks of some kind, and more people will buy gift cards than ever.

Now here’s the part that means something to us–the planned purchase categories:

  • Apparel/apparel accessories (73 percent)
  • Books/CDs/DVDs/Video games (72 percent)
  • Electronics/computers (46 percent)
  • Restaurants (38 percent)
  • Personal care/beauty items (37 percents)
  • Entertainment (33 percent)

Three of the top six gifts have at least some relation to home theater.  The CDs, DVDs, and video games to fuel it, the electronics and computers to power it, and the entertainment that serves as a catch-all to fully encompass it (okay, so that’s a bit of a stretch as “entertainment” could mean anything from an Astros game to a Zamfir concert)–one way or one way or another, home theater is the big ticket this holiday season.

So rejoice, home theater buffs, and know that you are on the forefront of a global trend.